Theater Spring 2019 Course Poster
THTR 120 Practicum Lodge, Westfall
¼ Course credit for participation in Acting in Productions
THTR 121 Practicum A. Owens
¼ Course credit for participation in Tech in Productions
THTR 209 Theater and Environment MWF 1:10-2 Westfall
Shakespeare called the theater “the abstract and brief chronicles of the time” because it has, with powerful binaries and dialectics, always addressed timely and important social and political issues. Recently, the theater world has reacted energetically to crises in environmental studies, to ecological issues of climate change, renewable (or non-renewable) resources, pollution, and our relationship to other species. This course focuses on art that address issues of environment, ecology, and the natural world through the medium of live theater. No pre-requisites. [GM2, V, W, H]
THTR/FAMS 222 Collaborative Process MW 11-12:15 Schwartz-Smith
Through lecture, discussion, performances, hands-on experience, films, guest artists, and readings of primary texts, this course intends to introduce the student to the principles of visual design as applied to scenic, lighting and costume design for the theatre. No pre-requisites.[H]
THTR 270/ENG 270 Dancing Cultures T 1:10-4:00 Rohman
What is dance? What constitutes performance? In this course we explore how the body, identity, ethical considerations and cultures are represented through aesthetic traditions, cultural contexts and readings. We will also examine differences between western and non-western performance and dance to analyze how these are developed, transmitted and circulated in national and global contexts. Students will learn through individual and group performances, readings, written assignments, class discussions, practicum movement workshops and attendance at live performances. No pre-requisites. [GM2, W]
THTR 280 Speaking Power MWF 10 – 10:50 Westfall
Intending to be a lawyer? Public Relations in your future? Need to master the arts of persuasion? Feeling unconfident while speaking in public? Planning on any career in business that requires speaking with authority? You’ll need to become proficient at rhetorical technique. This course will focus on effective speaking strategies for life and for professions, including: analyzing effective speeches; writing and delivering persuasive rhetoric; building confidence and authority; mastering argument techniques; fostering “presence” for public performances; and channeling anxiety to build focus. No pre-requisites. [V, W, H]
THTR 330: Acting 3: Commedia and Stage Combat R 1:10-4:00 Lemons
Focusing on movement specific to the 16th-18th century commedia dell’arte and to the techniques of stage combat, this course will provide an introduction to the basics clowning, slapstick, and pratfalls, as well as hand-to-hand, sword, and modern weapon combat. Emphasis on choreography, safety, and period style. Pre-requisite: THTR 130 or permission of department head.
THTR 335: Theater For Young Audiences TR 9:30-12:15 Lodge
Students explore the practices of theater for young audiences and methodologies of theater in education through readings and research combined with a lab experience in which they either rehearse and perform or provide technical or design support for a play created for young audiences. Students develop educational materials for the production and lead post-performance workshops with area school children who attend the production. Rehearsal and performances are scheduled during required laboratory hours. Pre-requisite: THTR 130 or permission of instructor.
THTR 369: Writers in Focus: Women in American Theater MW 11-12:15 Lodge
An in-depth study of the contributions of women writers, directors, choreographers, and designers. The Theater artists selected vary from semester to semester, and the focus will be announced during the registration period; may be repeated when offered with a different focus. Pre-requisite: THTR 207 or permission of instructor. [W]
THTR 370/ME 392: Advanced Topics: Mechanical Design MW 2:10-4:00 A. Owens, K. Seeler
This team-taught, project-based class allows student teams to collaboratively design, develop, prototype, and deliver complex mechanical systems to be used in performing arts productions at Lafayette. These systems are dynamic, requiring precise control mechanisms to move scenery, performers, or other objects. Students will become familiar with the play or other performance; communicate with various stakeholders, including directors, performers, and stage crew members; and collaboratively design and prototype a mechanical system to meet technical, aesthetic, and other needs. No pre-requisite.
THTR 371: Advanced Topics: Performance Art R 1:10-4 C. Owens
This course is intended for open-minded, interdisciplinary theater and visual art students. Students are introduced to the history and practice of contemporary performance art. The course is structured in two parts: seminar and studio-workshop. Through readings, discussions, film and video screenings, slide lectures, and student presentations, students learn about the history, theory, criticism, and politics of performance art from the mid-20th century to the 1990s and up to the present. Studio-workshop is a combination of assigned projects, group critiques, and the creation of a final, solo performance project to be presented to the public at the end of the semester. Pre-requisite: a 200-level THTR course or permission of department head.
THTR 391 Independent Study Westfall
THTR 400 Senior Project Westfall
THTR 495 Honors Thesis Westfall