Thtr Fall 2019 Courses PDF

THTR 107: INTRODUCTION TO THEATER         MW 11-12:15                 Staff

Drama and theatre – the page and the stage.  Art and business.   This course will introduce you to the reading and analysis of a variety of texts as well as the knowledge of how theatre functions – from the empty space where it begins to the fully realized staging of a production.  On the way we’ll learn about the function of directors, producers, designers, performers, and technicians, as well as the theory and aesthetics of the stories they tell.  REQUIRED FOR THEATER MAJORS AND MINORS [H]


THTR 120   PRACTICUM                                            TBA                       Schwartz-Smith, Westfall

¼ Course credit for participation in Acting in Productions


THTR 121   PRACTICUM                                                                           Owens

¼ Course credit for participation in Tech in Productions


THTR 230   SCENE STUDY                                        TR 1:15-2:30          O’Neill

This workshop extends beyond basic action and training to offer a more in-depth study of the craft of acting. Students will utilize exercises, improvisation, and detailed script analysis as they build and develop characters. Students will perform in a range of scenes from modern American realism and from Ibsen, Strindberg, and Chekhov. Attendance at some evening performances required. [H]


THTR 207   THEATER HISTORY                                MWF 10-10:50        Westfall

This course will focus on how theatrical forms have changed from time to time and culture to culture, considering historical context, periodicity, genre, conventions, style, theatrical spaces, acting styles, and technical effects. REQUIRED FOR THEATER MAJORS [GM 2, H]


THTR 208   THEATER AND DIVERSITY                      MWF 1:10-2:00         Westfall

This course focuses on plays that address issues of gender, race, class and ethnicity through the medium of live theater. The course also will examine how cross-gender and cross-cultural casting (sometimes referred to as “color-blind” casting) affects theatrical reception and response. Workshops on Theater of the Oppressed and Undesirable Elements will provide students with opportunities to make theater based on diversity issues. [GM1, H, V, W]


THTR 231   STAGE MANAGEMENT                           MWF 9:00-9:50           Owens

This course explores the concepts and techniques of stage management, concentrating on organization, communication, and leadership. [H]


THTR 270    DESIGN FOR STAGE AND SCREEN        MW 2:10-4           Staff

Through lecture, discussion, performances, hands-on experience, films, guest artists, and readings of primary texts, this course intends to introduce the student to the principles of visual design as applied to scenic, lighting and costume design for theatre and film. [H]


THTR 280   SPEAKING POWER                                 MW 7:00-8:15           Cohea

This course will focus on effective speaking strategies for life and for professions, including: analyzing effective speeches; writing and delivering persuasive rhetoric; building confidence and authority; mastering argument techniques; fostering “presence” for public performances; and channeling anxiety to build focus.  [V, W, H]


THTR 314   STAGE DIRECTION                                 TR 11-12:15                O’Neill

This course explores the director’s art and responsibility in the theatrical process, including casting, rehearsal, and organizational procedures from script analysis to performance. Discussion and practice in the principles of composition, picturization, movement, and blocking, with attention to issues of style, concept, and stage spaces. Students direct scenes in laboratory and a short play for public performance. Attendance at some evening performances and workshops required. Prerequisites: THTR 207 or Permission of the instructor.


THTR 391   INDEPENDENT STUDY                                                                Westfall

THTR 400   SENIOR PROJECT                                                                          Westfall

THTR 495   HONORS THESIS                                                                           Westfall