THTR 107: Introduction to Theater
Through lectures, discussions, hands-on-experiences, master classes with visiting theater professionals, and performances outside of class, this course introduces students to significant texts, ideas, and crafts essential to the study of theater. Projects involve acting, directing, design, and theater criticism; writing assignments familiarize students with the analytic tools and accepted vocabulary of theater scholarship. Attendance at some evening performances required. Please note that this course is required for the Major and Minor in Theater. (H, GM2)
Mr. Owens, MWF 9:00-9:50 a.m. RHH 103
THTR 120.01: Theater Performance Practicum
Available to designated cast and crew of a faculty-directed Theater department production. May be repeated up to four times for credit. 0.25 credits
Prerequisite: Permission of the Theater Department Head
Prof. Michael O’Neill
THTR 120.02: Theater Performance Practicum
Available to designated cast and crew of a faculty-directed Theater department production. May be repeated up to four times for credit. 0.25 credits
Prerequisite: Permission of the Theater Department Head
Prof. Suzanne Westfall
THTR 121: Theater Production Practicum
Available to designated crew and staff of a faculty-directed Theater Department production. May be repeated up to four times for credit. 0.25 credits
Prerequisite: Permission of the Theater Department Head
Mr. Owens
THTR 230: Acting II: Scene Study
This workshop course extends beyond basic acting and improvisation training to offer a more in depth, intermediate level study of the craft of acting. Students will utilize exercises, improvisation and detailed script analysis as they build and develop characters. In this course, students will perform in a range of scenes and monologues, including works drawn from the early Modernist plays of Ibsen, Strindberg and Chekov. Class projects will include performances of scenes and monologues; rehearsals of performance projects both inside and outside of class; attendance at a variety of performances and research and analytical papers and presentations. (H)
Prerequisite: Theater 130 or permission of the instructor.
Prof. Mary Jo Lodge, TR 11:00 a.m.-12:50 p.m. 248 Studio Theater
ENGL 250: Writing Genres: Playwriting
This workshop course introduces students to the expectations and purposes of writing for the theater and offers them intensive practice composing and revising texts that function within the conventions and boundaries of the genre. Students
will compose multiple texts in drafts, participate in peer review and discussions, meet with practicing playwrights, attend plays and readings, and develop and revise a short play. Special attention in the course will be given to the ways writing a play differs from writing for film or television. Readings will include numerous contemporary plays. Students should note that this course will require attendance at some evening and weekend events. [W]
Prof. Michael O’Neill, MW 2:45 – 4:00 p.m. Pardee 112
THTR 265: Topic: Criticism and Review
Delightfully Fun!!! Huge Laughs!!!! The most anticipated film of the season!!!!
Two thumbs up!!!! Nothing short of a masterpiece!!!!
Nominated for 8 Tony Awards (Academy Awards, Obies, Emmys, Grammys….)!!!!
How often have we seen these “puffs” (a review of a work of art, usually an excessively complimentary one) blasted across theater marquees and advertisements in print and on-line journals? Truthfully, though, most of us choose to plunk down our hard-earned cash to attend a theater performance or a film based on its reviews. Sometimes these are as simple as a friend’s recommendations, sometimes a quick blurb on “Rotten Tomatoes,” sometimes a cleverly crafted trailer or advertisement. In this course we will analyze and learn to write various forms of effective reviews of film and theater. We will also learn to distinguish between simple summaries and more sophisticated reviews that analyze style, technique, and quality. We will conduct research to contextualize film and theater – historically, artistically, and generically – in order to kick our reviews up a notch into works of criticism.
Prof. Suzanne Westfall, MWF 10:00-10:50 a.m. Buck Hall 102
Note: Cross Listed with FAMS 279
THTR 280: Speaking Power
“If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” — Johnny Cochran
“I have a dream….” – Martin Luther King Jr.
“Fourscore and seven years ago….” Abraham Lincoln
“Ich bin ein Berlinner.” – Ronald Reagan
“It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy (purloined from Winston Churchill)
Certain phrases continue to ring in our ears long after their speakers have passed into history. Intending to be a lawyer? Public Relations in your future? Need to master the arts of persuasion? Feeling unconfident while speaking in public? Planning on any career in business that requires speaking with authority? You’ll need to become proficient at rhetorical technique.
This course will focus on effective speaking strategies for life and for professions, including: analyzing effective speeches; writing and delivering persuasive rhetoric; building confidence and authority; mastering argument techniques; fostering “presence” for public performances; and channeling anxiety to build focus. In this election year, we will examine the various strategies and performances that our candidates, newscasters, spin-doctors, and commentators use to create various images and to convince us to believe their visions of reality.
Prof. Suzanne Westfall, MWF 1:10-2:00 p.m. WAC Studio Theater
THTR 281: Theater Topics: Lighting Design
This course examines the theory and practice of Lighting Design. Students will analyze, research and execute a lighting design for theatre. The class will offer both unrealized and realized lighting projects, as well as a chance to work with other students as a lighting designer for live performance. Attendance at all Theatre Department lighting calls will be required, as well as some evening performances.
Ms. Stephanette Schwartz-Smith, TR 9:30-10:45 a.m. 248 Studio Theater
ENGL 301: Shakespeare
This course will provide an introduction to Shakespeare’s plays and non-dramatic works in the context of early modern history and culture, including consideration of staging conventions. (W) Prerequisite ENG 205 and a literary history course (ENG 206, ENG 210, ENG 211, ENG 212, or ENG 213), or permission of the instructor.
Prof. Ian Smith, TR 11:00-12:15 Pardee 113
THTR 369 Theater Artists in Focus: Women in American Theater
This course will examine the significant contributions of women to the development of theatre throughout its history, with a particular focus on women’s roles in writing and creating theatre in the United States over the last century. Students will study significant female theatre practitioners, as well as notable plays and musicals created, directed, designed and/or produced by women. In addition, students will explore theory, criticism, productions and interviews relating to these plays, playwrights and practitioners. Prerequisite THTR 207 or permission if instructor (W, H Pending, Cross listed as ENG 369)
Prof. Mary Jo Lodge, TR 2:45-4:00 p.m. 248 Studio Theater
THTR 375: Making Theater
Metamorphoses. Change. Growth. Or Decay? In this interdisciplinary course we will explore the mythologies, texts, cultures, and themes that combine to form both Ovid’s epic poem Metamorphoses as well as Mary Zimmerman’s play Metamorphoses, a theatrical adaptation and re-imagination of Ovid’s collection of mythical tales. The course will culminate in a live production in the Daniel and Sandra Weiss Theater in April. Students will read and discuss scholarly and creative works, reflect on their studies through analytic and creative writing, and take part in the creation of individual and group performances.
Prof. Suzanne Westfall, MW 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. 248 Studio Theater
THTR 391: Independent Study
Tutorial study in theater practice initiated by the student and pursued independently under the guidance of an instructor from whom the student has gained approval and acceptance. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: THTR 107 or THTR 221, and permission of the instructor.
THTR 400: Senior Project
Under the guidance of theater faculty and normally during the senior year, the student will undertake an advanced project in one or more specialized areas of theater (e.g., acting, directing, design, criticism). The project will serve to assess the student’s theater education and demonstrate the student’s potential as a theater artist and/or practitioner.
Prerequisite: Advance approval of the Theater Department Head
THTR 496: Thesis
Tutorial sessions related to the student’s investigation of the area chosen for his or her honors essay. Open only to candidates for honors in theater, who have taken THTR 495 instead of THTR 400.
Prerequisite: THTR 495 and permission of the Theater Department Head