From “Lift Every Voice, which is based on a true story, explores the impact of racism in an urban high school. When the class president of an elite inner-city high school posts a racially inflammatory message on social media, tensions explode, loyalties are tested and long-simmering resentments boil over as the six members of the student council grapple with the fallout and how to move forward.”
Lift Every Voice, is a one-act play that runs about 30 minutes. There are six featured roles, 3 female and 3 male. Our casting is gender-inclusive, and all who audition can decide which roles they wish to be seen for. Our Lafayette production seeks to include actors of diverse races, nationalities, sizes, and abilities, however, due to the nature of the story, actors should only audition for characters that are the same race or ethnicity as themselves. The play will be performed down the hill in 248 N. 3rd Street in the Studio Theater from September 27th-29th.
This is senior project and actors who participate are not able to earn credit for the production, though some crew and design positions may be eligible for THTR 121 or THTR 122 credit.
Initial auditions will be self-recorded video submissions. You may use your phone or any recording device to film yourself with audio and video. For your initial audition, please record yourself performing a 1 minute modern monologue of your choice. Be sure to identify yourself in your video.
Callbacks will be held on Lafayette’s Arts Campus on the evenings of Aug. 26th and/or Aug. 27th.

VIDEOS ARE DUE BY AUG. 25th AT NOON. Earlier submissions welcome. Submit all videos, along with your audition information and conflicts, via the submission form.