THTR 108 World Theater MW 1:15-2:30PM O’Neill
A survey of plays from different eras and performance traditions in diverse cultures; introduces students to evaluating, discussing, and writing about theater from a global perspective. Attendance at some evening performances is required. [GM2, H]
THTR 208 Theater and Diversity MW 11:00-12:15 Westfall
Theater has always addressed important social and political concerns. This course focuses on plays that address issues of gender, race, class and ethnicity through the medium of live theater. From ancient Greece, contemporary America, we examine gender roles, the costs of feminism, LGBTQ issues, race, and class, in the context of today’s performances. We will also examine how staging – cross-gender and cross-cultural casting (sometimes referred to as “color-blind” casting) affects theatrical reception and response. [GM1, H, V, W]
THTR 209 Theater and Environment TR 9:30-10:45 Neuman-Lambert
This course focuses on creating theater though an environmental lens. From a design perspective, we will explore why we choose to develop physical productions, and how we can create those productions sustainably through research and physical model making. We will also approach theater from a season planning perspective, exploring the potential for live performance to create social change in our local communities and the greater cultural dialogue. [H, GM2, V, W]
THTR 221 Basic Stagecraft: Tech Theater MW 10:00-10:50, F 10:00-11:50 Owens
An introduction to the history, theory, and practice of technical theater, focusing upon stage management, construction, painting, rigging, and electrical practices. Laboratory sessions in the theater shop and backstage assignments ensure hands-on exposure to topics discussed in class. [H]
THTR 277 Topics: Scene Painting T 1:15-4:00 Neuman-Lambert
This course will introduce students to scenic painting for the theater as both art and practice. Students will receive hands-on instruction in faux finishes, backdrop processes, and other aspects of stage painting techniques on a variety of surfaces from muslin flats to three-dimensional scenic elements. Along with large-scale painting, a portion of the course will be devoted to small-scale rendering and mixing techniques in watercolor and acrylic. Students will be required to create individual projects and participate in collaborative scenic pieces throughout the course. Students also will be required to offer scenic painting support to departmental productions during the spring semester.
THTR 280 Speaking Power W 6:30-9:20PM TBA
Intending to be a lawyer? Public Relations in your future? Need to master the arts of persuasion? Feeling unconfident while speaking in public? Planning on any career in business that requires speaking with authority? You’ll need to become proficient at rhetorical technique. This course will focus on effective speaking strategies for life and for professions, including: analyzing effective speeches; writing and delivering persuasive rhetoric; building confidence and authority; mastering argument techniques; fostering “presence” for public performances; and channeling anxiety to build focus. No pre-requisites. [V, W, H]
THTR 312 Plays in Performance: Masks & Asian Styles MW 2:10-4:00 Westfall
We will explore traditional and contemporary styles of Asian theater, music, art, combat, cultures, and performance styles in order to build to a production in the Weiss Theater at the end of the semester:
MONKEY: Journey to the West, based on the 16th century Chinese Folk tale popularized in video games, Manga, comic books, Dragon Ball Z, Beijing Opera, and Gorillaz. Coursework will include examination of cultural contexts through workshops, readings, research, guest lectures, and projects. [GM1, W]
THTR 330 Theatrical Styles: Acting for Digital Media R 1:15-4:00 Goodman
This workshop offers students training and instruction in acting for the camera and performing on television and in other digital media. Classes will apply the use of standard acting strategies for the theater to studio and taped performances. Prerequisite: THTR 130 or Permission of the Department Head.
THTR 369 Theater Artists in Focus: Ibsen, Strindberg, Shaw TR 11:00-12:15 O’Neill
This seminar-style class will explore important plays by Henrik Ibsen, August Strindberg, and Bernard Shaw that revolutionized the theater and established major dramatic genres that continue to the present day. Students will serve as dramaturgs for the Theater Department production of Heddatron, which is loosely based on the plays of Ibsen and Strindberg. Attendance at some evening performances is required. [W]
Prerequisite: Permission of Theater Department Head
THTR 120.01: Theater Performance Practicum
THTR120.02: Theater Performance Practicum
THTR 121.01: Theater Production Practicum
THTR121.01: Theater Production Practicum
THTR 373 Internship
THTR 391.01: Independent Study
THTR 400.01: Senior Project